
Had this video uploaded for a couple of months now and forgot to publish it 😅. Anyways, a quick one, revisiting dependency injection lifetimes in #aspnetcore. #dotnet #csharp #aspnetcore #dependenc...
👋📢📽️ New one sent right into the tubes! "Outbox meets change data capture - hooking into the Write-Ahead Log (feat. .NET, PostgreSQL & Kafka)" After messing with Debezium, felt like seeing how we c...
📢 New one available through the tubes! I've been noticing in recent chats that folks have difficulty explaining why do we use async/await, tasks and related, when building ASPNET Core applications....
🎥 New (very quick) video posted on the tubes! "Quick shout-out to DevToys" #softwaredevelopment #devtools #dotnet
New one up on the tubes! "Polymorphic JSON Serialization (feat. .NET & System.Text.Json)" #dotnet #csharp #json
Just dropped a new quick video on the tubes! "OpenAPI extensions and Swashbuckle" #dotnet #csharp #openapi #swashbuckle
New video up! "Array or object JSON deserialization (feat. .NET & System.Text.Json)" #dotnet #csharp #json
New one up on the tubes! "Outbox meets change data capture (feat. .NET, PostgreSQL, Kafka and Debezium)" #dotnet #debezium #kafka #postgresql
New one up on the tubes! "Getting a complex type as a simple type from the query string in a ASPNET Core API controller" #dotnet #csharp #aspnetcore
New one up! A few years late, but finally took a bit to check out NDepend. #dotnet #csharp #codeanalysis
New one up! "High-performance and compile-time logging source generation in .NET 6" #dotnet #csharp
New one unleashed on the tubes! "Exploring distributed tracing with ASP NET Core 6" Not a small video, but hopefully useful to see things like OpenTelemetry and W3C Trace Context in action with #as...
New one up on the tubes! "Next level console apps with Spectre.Console" Had already written a post a couple of weeks ago, then presented the topic at a meetup last week, so I figured I'd also put s...
A bit of a different kind of video, less deep dive, more talking 😛 "Are ASP .NET Core 6 minimal APIs just for demos?" #dotnet #aspnet #aspnetcore #csharp
Running a .NET Core application in Kubernetes - high level walk-through